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Providing Experiences And Knowledges For Being Qualified Person To Business, Industry And Society
Igniting Creativity, Capability And Problem Solving Skill Through Various Experiences And Advanced Knowledge.
Building Up New Knowledge For Sustainable Development


Providing Opportunities To Strengthen Knowledge And
Skills For Career Development And Interest.

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รับสมัครน้อง ๆ รอบต่อไปใน TCAS รอบที่ 2 Quota วันที่ 14 ก.พ. – 13 มี.ค. 68 นะคะ



The Faculty of Agro-Industry laboratory houses a variety of equipment with testing capabilities to serve Agro-Industrial research and studies. With our massive laboratory facilities, we bring together teams of specialists with a wide range of technical expertise and experience.


The Faculty of Agro-Industry library is located on the 3nd floor of A.I. 5 Building. We offer Agro-Industry related resources such as books, textbooks, journals, databases, theses and dissertations both in Thai and in English. The library has study spaces available for students, faculty and staff.


Our Faculty of Agro-Industry IT Center is equipped with necessary hardware and software for teaching, learning and research. The computers are linked to Kasetsart University’s Nontri Net, providing ease of access to information through high-speed Internet. Equipment such as LCD screens and scanners are also available.