Innovative Biotechnology, Sustainable Agro-Industry
Department of Biotechnology, one of the six departments in the Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University, has been responsible for academic programs since 1980. It was the first university to hold an undergraduate course in biotechnology in Thailand. Master and doctorate courses were started in 1984 and 1989 respectively. More than 300 students graduated with bachelor and master degrees. Ninety five percent of undergraduate and graduate students were working in private companies or their own companies. For the relationship with foreign countries, we also have connections with Australia, Finland, Germany, Japan, Newzealand, USA and UK. Collaborative research in various areas have been carried out through the Academic Education Department, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), the National Science & Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) and British Council Programmes. Therefore, to strengthen the knowledge for students at a higher level, especially in research work, the international programme in Biotechnology (by research) was established for master and doctorate levels as well in 1996.
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)
The Department of Biotechnology produces graduates who will serve the future of Thai agro-industry and biotechnology industry with a strong knowledge in the control of microbial and biocatalyst for biological processes. Outstanding in process design and operation of production processes.
Course Description
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) (Revised Curriculum 2023)
More details of courses in English version can be downloaded here.
More details of courses in Thai version can be downloaded here.
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) (Revised Curriculum 2018)
More details of courses in English version can be downloaded here.
More details of courses in Thai version can be downloaded here.
Master of Science (Biotechnology)
The Department of Biotechnology develops the person serving research institutes and the Bio-based industry such as sugar industry, biomass energy industry, with a better vision and creativity. Moreover, the graduated students are able to solve the industrial problems involved in the area of biotechnology and have good research skills including good communication skills.
Course Description
More details of courses in English version can be downloaded here.
More details of courses in Thai version can be downloaded here.
Doctor of Philosophy (Biotechnology)
The Department of Biotechnology established the Doctoral Program in Biotechnology as a first place in Thailand. We focus and emphasize to strengthen researchers to have better vision and global perspective to create and hand on the deep research and have good communication skills applied in any careers path.
Course Description
More details of courses in English version can be downloaded here.
More details of courses in Thai version can be downloaded here.
Graduate Diploma (Sugar Technology)
We create a person with the specific skills in sugar technology serving the sugar industry for Thai industrial development plan. We also provide the research and analytical skills with ethics to solve the problems in the sugar industry.
Course Description
More details of courses can be found on Website